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Journal Articles

“Living Room Laboratories: Exploding Popular Science Television in Spectres of the Spectrum.” INCITE Journal of Experimental Media 75.3 (Forthcoming).

“Death by the Numbers: The Aesthetics of Suffering and Scale in Cow and Gunda.” Film Quarterly  9, (Summer 2022).

“Abandoned Aquariums: Online Animal Attractions during Quarantine.” Journal of Environmental Media 1.2 (Summer 2020).

“From Lab to Classroom: Animal Testing and Educational Film.” Film History 30.4 (Winter 2019).

“B. F. Skinner’s Project Pigeon: Rendering the War Animal Through Optical Technology.” Cinema Journal 58.4 (Summer 2019).

“Glitch/Glitsh: (More Power) Lucky Break and the Position of Modern Technology.” Culture Machine 12, (Winter, 2011): 1–14.


Book Chapters

“Dispassionate Passions: Documenting Animal Sexual Behavior at the Kinsey Institute.” In Epistemic Screens: Science and the Moving Image, edited by Scott Curtis, Oliver Gaycken, and Vinzenz Hediger. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, Forthcoming.

“From Cat to Clowder: Kedi in the Anthropocene.” In Kedi: A Docalogue, edited by Jaimie Baron and Kristen Fuhs. Philadelphia, PA: Routledge, 2021.

“Mediating Disease: Scientific Transcriptions of COVID-19 into Animal Models.” In Pandemic Media: Preliminary Notes Toward an Inventory, coauthored with Sophia Gräfe, edited by Philipp Dominik Keidl, Vinzenz Hediger and Laliv Melamed. Lüneburg, Germany: meson press, 2020.  

“The Celluloid Specimen: Animal Origins for the Moving Image.” In Viscera, Skin, and Physical Form: Corporeality and Early Cinema, edited by Jan Olsson, Marina Dahlquist, Valentine Robert and Doron Galili. Bloomington, IA: Indiana University Press, 2018

“Trinh T. Minh-ha (1952-).” In Independent Female Filmmakers: A Chronical through Interviews, Profiles, and Manifestos, coauthored with Patricia Alvarez, edited by Michele Meek. Philadelphia, PA: Routledge, 2018.

Online Features

“Things to Come: Teaching Film Studies for our Scientific Future.” JCMS Teaching Dossier, coauthored with Danny Tayara, edited by Thorn Chen, Joseph Clark, Tanya Goldman, Sophia Gräfe.

“Shared Suffering: Animal Experiments and Emotional Investment in the Films of O.H. Mowrer.” Medicine on Screen, National Library of Medicine, edited by Oliver Gaycken.

“Filmed Zoonosis: A History of Onscreen Animal Vectors.” Playlist Initiative, The Centre for Screen Cultures, St. Andrews University, edited by Leshu Torchin.

“We Will Not be Ignored: A List of Demands for Puerto Rico.” NOW!: A Journal of Urgent Praxis, coauthored with Patricia Alvarez.


Selected Art Journalism, Interviews, & Book Reviews

“Review: Biopolitical Futures,” Science Fiction Film and Television

“Review: Virtual Menageries,” Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry

“Documentary Divides,” Millennium Film Journal

“In Conversation: FEMEXFILMARCHIVE,” The Brooklyn Rail

“In Conversation: Trinh T. Minh-ha,” The Brooklyn Rail

“In Conversation: Irene Lusztig,” The Brooklyn Rail

“Always in the Present Tense: An Interview with Kevin Jerome Everson,” The Brooklyn Rail